Forgiveness – Wanda Williams
It’s a funny word Forgiveness as children we were taught to “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us” I can remember saying I was “Sorry” more times than I choose to remember, sometimes I was unaware as to why I needed to say it in the first place, maybe I was just saying it to keep the peace so life around me ran more smoothly.
Forgiveness for others yes, it maybe very hard to say we forgive at the heat of the moment in anger we may spit out the word “Sorry” but do we ever forgive ourselves for the roles we play in the drama in our lives?
I travel with my healing work I see the guilt the shame the sadness etched on the faces of many, they wear it like a walking billboard for all the world to see, they have sinned they feel unworthy of forgiveness or of being loved, sad really they still hold themselves accountable for the wrongs they may have caused others so long ago, that their faces have long since aged from youth to adulthood. We go through life forgiving those around us that have hurt us, apologizing to those we hurt, do we ever stop & forgive ourselves for the punishment we put ourselves through, we are so accepting of others we are not always so accepting of ourselves, we don’t stop to think in all the trials that occur in our life, we may need to learn from them, we may teach others in the mistakes, misadventure, misfortune life may bring, we are in fact learning & teaching ourselves & others.
No we don’t really see life like that do we, to honour, respect, love & forgive oneself to move from the past into the present, if we choose to look back on our childhoods do we really recognize the faces of our youth?
To heal to grow is to challenge not only ourselves but others, some of our greatest lessons in life come at a cost to ourselves, learn from the past move to the present set your eyes to the horizon Forgive Yourself & Set Your Soul Free!!