Judgement – Wanda Williams
Judgement in ourselves judgement in others where does this stem from? Are we the ones who create it from our own thought patterns? Do we stand in judgement of ourselves as a result of not fitting in with the crowd? Is it from our growing years, our school years, our home life our work environment ? Do we feel the need to present ourselves in a certain way, think in a certain way because this is all old pattering old behaviour?
Well Yes I feel we do all of the above, we criticize ourselves we criticize others it bursts out of our mouths before we really get a chance to think what we are saying, we have created an energy a vibration in that moment, we don’t stop to think how that may affect us later in our lives, how it may affect another person, with the words we cast out into the world, it is like moulding clay once it starts to set it becomes brittle starts to break & crumble, that’s what we do to ourselves, others with negative thoughts words actions we slowly break down self esteem in ourselves & in others it crumbles.
When are we going to be start being responsible for SELF? stop blaming, stop the expectations we place on ourselves on others, do we really want to go through life playing the lead role in different drama’s, it all leads to the same place really, we get hurt, we hurt those around us, through our own thoughts, patterns, behaviour, when we become hurt we strike out with words to hurt, hurting others hurting ourselves, we are grown ups now, the days for some are long gone to behave as the naive child, we are not naive adults we may think we have the right to speak our truth & yes we do, but we also have a responsibility to ourselves to others to be honest in our delivery of those words & actions we choose.
See the reflection of oneself, how we would feel, how we would react next time we project our anger our fear our judgement out to the world around us, remember when these words & actions are spat out it cannot be brought back & we are the ones who have to look at our own reflections in the mirror, will we like, will we love what is looking back at us.
We have a choice, choose to think first before you speak before you act, be kind to one another, be kind to yourself at the end of the day we are all here on this earth plane doing the best we can with the life we have chosen, standing in judgement is such a waste of time & energy.
Change make the changes in yourself first, be the role model for yourself, be the role model for others, you never know it may have a ripple effect on those around you.