Values & Morals- By Wanda Williams
I think we all aspire to be good role models in life to have good values & morals to be pillars of society so to speak, but it can all go quite pear shaped when we make certain decisions in life that affect others & ourselves reacting with our voices overreacting with our fists “It can take a lifetime to build a good reputation it can take a moment to ruin one”. When one has fallen from grace it can sometimes be very hard to build and repair the damage that has been done not only to the victims but the family & friends of the guilty are also affected, being guilty by association for family & the friends of those that have fallen from grace this may even be a life sentence for these souls as they too are labeled by society it can be very hard and unjust living under the light of another that has caused grief & heartache.
What happens to these damaged souls that have done their time paid their dues created a new life for themselves tried to repair the chaos they have caused, they may not have taken a life of another, they may have made some very bad choices in life that caused heartache & pain to those in society, many are still held in the same vibration they were in even if many years may have passed since the wrongs they have committed, yet when they return home some that have known of the damage they have caused still hold them accountable and take on the role of the righteous few, they are the constant reminders that tell the world about these damaged souls reminding others in their communities of the shame & heartache that they have caused, pointing out the family & friends associated with these people, here we have being guilty by association, never really allowing a person to rid themselves of the shame, they are branded like cattle for all to see.
Sometimes the damage & distruction cycle starts all over again not being given the time to prove they have redeemed themselves that they have changed old pattering, they decide to set their course to prove the righteous few in their communities were right all along, they start to cause trouble amongst those they so dearly wanted to prove wrong.
What responsibilities do we have to those in our communities that have lost their way, I think the first step would be to silent the voices that spread gossip by refusing to listen to those that choose to cast shadows on others for if we choose to listen if we choose to be the next lead to spreading gossip are we not as bad, should we not also be held accountable when people are tipped over the edge & lash out. Some in society like to think they have the right of free speech & yes we all have, why not put that free speech to a positive allow people the chance to show how they have changed & have healed, use your free speech to work in a positive way by saying how the fallen have worked hard to change their ways & changing their behaviour how they are not the same damaged souls that caused grief to others, & if you find it hard to choose not to see the positive changes in others, keep the words you spread about another in the new light they stand in now and not the shadows from the past they once stood.